2010 National Band Championships Wrap-Up

Footscray-Yarraville headed down to Hobart over the Easter weekend to compete against 14 of Australia’s finest brass bands. Opening with “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind”, our winning hymn performance, we suprised our competitors, showing what Footscray is really made of. Following the hymn came this years test piece, Extreme Makeover, an epic monster metamorphoses on a theme by Tchaikovsky. The next morning saw the street march, where Footscray played an arrangement of “All the Single Ladies” by Beyonce, arranged by our BBb tuba player, Tim Kelly. The final day of competition included our own choice piece, “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, and our concert march “O.R.B”. The adjudicators placed us 6th, with Brisbane Excelsior taking 1st place.Overall the competition was a great success, and a most enjoyable time was had by all. On behalf of the band we would like to thank the players who stepped in from other bands to play with us. We would also like to thank Professor David King for his great workshops in the lead up to the competition, and of course, our Illustrious, almighty band leader, Phillipa Edwards (aka Maestro) for her tireless efforts in making the band sound as good as it did. Well done all!


FYCB Wins 2010 VBL Championships