The Maid of Orlèans

Below is a recording of the world premiere of Todd Smith's latest composition "The Maid of Orlèans". This was performed live on stage at the 2016 national band Championships in Gawler, South Australia. A big thanks to Todd for writing such a wonderful and challenging piece for us, and to the team at Brassbanned for bringing us the high quality sound and vision. Enjoy! 

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Gallery Gallery

MISF 2015

Photos from our Best of British concert with Jonathon Welch and a 500 strong massed choir! A concert tying with the Melbourne International Singers Festival featuring John Rutter's major work, "Gloria". There was a singing soprano cornet solo from Tristan Rebein, and Luscious cornet solo from Jamie Lawson! Photos courtesy of Matthew Jones, School of Hard Knocks.[envira-gallery id="504"]

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Gallery Gallery

FABB 2011

FABB 2011 entertainment sectionThe Good, the Bad & the Ugly.Used as the audio visual introduction to the program while the band played the soundtrack live!

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